Milwaukee Riverkeeper Membership

Starts at $35

With a Milwaukee Riverkeeper membership, you can give your loved ones the gift of a swimmable, fishable future! Our memberships start at just $35 and come with access to print newsletters, swag and exclusive discounts to local businesses and retailers.

‘M is for Milwaukee’ T-shirt or Tote

Cost: $24-$31

Milwaukee Designer Steve Kodis made this AWESOME t-shirt in support our mission! ‘M is for Milwaukee’ makes for a great stocking stuffer this holiday season and the proceeds benefit Milwaukee Riverkeeper.

Milwaukee Riverkeeper Clean Water Gift Set

Cost: $20

Our highly-coveted Milwaukee Riverkeeper swag typically only accompanies our year-long memberships. This holiday season, we created a gift set made up of our favorite swag items – a Milwaukee Riverkeeper SiliPint, sticker, and window cling! For a one-time donation of $20, you’ll have a unique gift idea AND help achieve swimmable, fishable rivers for future generations.

This holiday gift offer is only available Dec 1 – Dec 14!